Prairie Girl's Song

Book Cover Prairie Girls Song

Click on the book to hear the song that goes with the book!

Artist Mary Ann Tully and I have published a beautiful book, and we're so happy with the results. It's available in both softcover ($12.99) and hardcover ($24).

Children let their imaginations soar as they read “Prairie Girl’s Song” and follow the adventures of a young girl on her family’s prairie farm.

The story is told through the delightful, rhyming lyrics of a folk song written by musician Kate Ferris.

The vibrant imagery created with Ferris’ words is woven by artist Mary Ann Tully into an enchanting and richly coloured mixed media tapestry of prairie plants and animals.

Seen through the eyes of a child, the diversity of the wild prairie comes alive over the course of a day and into the magic of a prairie night.

The glossary at the end of the book provides an excellent source of information about the ecology of the prairies. “Prairie Girl’s Song” is an essential addition for the shelves of classrooms, schools and home libraries everywhere.

Here's a review from Amazon: "5.0 out of 5 stars

'A Must for Any Prairie Girl'
on August 13, 2017
Format: Paperback
"As a 'retired' Manitoba teacher (you never really retire), I recently purchased this lovely book and the CD that goes with it. The simple lyrics and beautiful images found in this book will stir your child's imagination. If you are not from the prairies, after experiencing this book you will wish you were. An excellent teaching resource for introducing prairie habitats, wildlife and ecology. This book should be in all prairie schools and libraries (especially in Manitoba). I definitely recommend this book!"

Click on the book to hear the song that goes with the book!

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